Tier 2 school-level funding

Tier 2 school-level funding

[Brett Shillito, Principal]

Yuille Park is within an environment that is low socioeconomic. We're quite a is advantaged community here. We really try to do our best to ensure that education can be accessed by all the kids. I guess what underpins us as a school community here is strong relationships.

What the Tier 2 funding has allowed us to do is to, I guess, marry up the great literacy specialist coaching that we have along with the numeracy specialist coaching. And now Sam in his role as our Disability Inclusion leading teacher and have those three coaches working closely around really, really good practice and really, really solid, I guess, planning an improvement in what we do in terms of teaching students that sit in front of us on a daily basis.

[Sam turner, Inclusive Education Leader]

I have been able to coach members of ES staff in their delivering of interventions alongside our learning specialists in numeracy and literacy. And this has been really key

to promoting student self-worth. Helping them to see success in what they do here at the college.

[Jay, Year 8 Student]

Well, I like to do some woodwork. I do some like, measurements for like, maths and that. We built an outdoor kitchen. And I had to measure up the wood and that, for that as well. It helps me do things that I want to do.

[Brett Shillito, Principal]

It allows us to really dig deeply on understanding where our students are at through really good identified data around whether it's a social or emotional need, whether it's a physical need, whether it's an academic need that allows us to do the targeted stuff that we need to do in the classrooms.

[Sam turner, Inclusive Education Leader]

Focusing on the engagement of our students is really key in our college. We need to ensure that our students are engaged in the learning process at all points as we want to keep them engaged in education as long as they possibly can in order to maximise their potential.

[Brett Shillito, Principal]

What's really fantastic with our Tier 2 funding is it's allowed us to really be more explicit in ensuring we're hitting the mark with our students and really ensuring that we're making solid and really worthwhile adjustments for our students that are going to have an impact.

[On-screen text]

Disability Inclusion. Education for All.

Authorised by the Victorian Government, Melbourne.

[End transcript]
