Respectful Relationships - Nathaniel and Zoe

Student interview: Respectful relationships education

Zoe Student, Manor Lakes P to 12 College:

Since this unit I have seen more inequality than I had before because previously we were asked how do you feel about the community and even the school and I would say I don’t think we have a problem with it.

I think everything’s fine and I never felt like that,  but then after learning it and learning about all the different kinds of violence  you realise how much there actually is and how much inequality there really is.

Before the class we would set ground rules like you don’t say this you don’t say that and it really made you feel comfortable to talk about whatever was going on with you and even if there were people in the class that you didn’t necessarily get along with you felt like you could trust them to not go whispering about whatever you would say and it was really really good, it was very comfortable environment.
