Victorian STEM map

The STEM map shows where teachers and students can access programs, events, professional learning and resources.

The STEM map shows where teachers and students can access programs, events, professional learning and resources.

Victorian STEM map (accessible version)(docx - 97.6KB)

How to use the STEM map

The Victorian STEM map shows where teachers and students can access programs, events and professional learning and specialist centres. Click and scroll to find programs and select to find out more, or select a pin on the map to see what’s available in your area. Go into full screen if you want to search.


A wide range of STEM specialist resources and services are available to Victorian schools. The online searchable STEM map enables teachers to locate and sort information when planning their STEM teaching and learning programs.

The STEM map provides information about Tech Schools, Science and Mathematics Specialist Centres, professional learning opportunities, after hours and holiday activities, excursions, incursions, resources, trade training centres and university enrichment programs.

The STEM map will be updated regularly to better connect teachers to resources and services that are currently available to Victorian schools.
