A woman and 3 students sitting at a table. Behind them is a pin board with career information sheets.

Career education in the curriculum

Integrate career education into other learning areas to enrich teaching and learning, support student engagement and build important competencies.

Career education is a cross-curricular learning area. It helps students engage with schooling by linking learning to work and their future.

Every teacher can integrate career education into their teaching and learning program, supporting young people to build the competencies that they need to begin and manage their life-long career.

Victorian Career Education Framework

Use the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) Career Education Framework to integrate career education into your teaching and learning program. 

The Framework uses student-focused language, giving you useful career-related terms to use with students and embed through teaching and learning strategies. It focuses on 3 areas of competency:

  • Know yourself
  • Know your world
  • Manage your future.

The Framework includes resources aligned to the Victorian Curriculum F-10 that you can use to support these competencies in connection to other learning areas and general capabilities. To access the resources, visit the VCAA website:

Connecting Learning to Work

The Council of Professional Teaching Associations of Victoria, in partnership with the Australian Centre for Career Education (ACCE) and with support from the department, has worked with teaching associations to develop resources that connect specific subject areas to students’ career development.

The association-developed resources link careers with a variety of learning areas, including many VCE studies:

  • Accounting
  • Business Management
  • Civics and citizenship
  • Commerce
  • Digital Technologies
  • Drama
  • Economics
  • English
  • Environment education
  • Geography
  • History
  • Humanities
  • Industry and Enterprise
  • Legal Studies
  • Mathematics
  • Modern Greek
  • Outdoor education
  • Physics
  • Politics
  • Philosophy
  • Product Design and Technology
  • Sociology
  • Systems Engineering.

Use these resources to demonstrate the value of a subject area to students’ employability and career ambitions. To access the resources, visit the ACCE website.
