Child centred and individualised planning

Learn how to plan an Out of School Hours Care (OSHC) program for children with complex disabilities.

Children have different levels of disability, from mild to moderate to complex.

When planning your OSHC program, you will need to take into account the unique needs of the children with complex disabilities who attend your service. You will also need to adapt your program to make sure all activities can be done by everyone, including children with complex disabilities.

The National Quality Framework for education and care explains the standards for child-centred and individualised planning you should meet:

Below, learn how to achieve and exceed the National Quality Standard.

Introducing an individual support plan

An individual support plan is the most important document you will need to create for each child with a complex disability, to help you better understand the child. Staff should have easy access to this document.

An individual support plan covers a child's:

  • background, personal circumstances and diagnosis
  • strengths, interests and capabilities
  • support needs such as medical, personal or communication supports (where required)
  • positive behaviour support plans (where required)
  • Child-centred and individualised planning areas

Child-centred and individualised planning areas


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