What did you think of this year’s Prep bags?

Complete a short evaluation survey by 23 June 2023 and help us share the best collection of goodies we can.

Tuesday, 30 May 2023 at 11:00 pm
Image of this year's prep bag

The department is inviting Prep teachers to provide feedback about this year’s Prep bags in a short survey, closing Friday 23 June 2023.

We want to ensure the continuing popularity and benefits of this gift to help Prep students and their families thrive from the start of school.

We have completed our distribution of the Prep bags to all additional enrolments now, so this is the right time to ask teachers what went well and how we can improve future Prep bags.

We’re keen to hear your ideas and suggestions about what information and educational resources are most valuable to include in these gifts for all children starting in a Victorian government school.

The survey is voluntary, and responses are anonymous.

Complete the survey

To provide feedback, please complete the short survey.

Please also share the survey link with other Prep teachers at your school – we welcome as much feedback as possible.

The survey closes Friday 23 June 2023.

Find out more

For more information, refer to Prep bags.

For further enquiries, contact the Communications Division by email: backtoschool@education.vic.gov.au
