Celebrate autism in April

Activity ideas to welcome and support autistic students in the classroom.

As part of World Autism Acceptance Month in April, we are encouraging teachers to run activities with their students to raise understanding and acceptance of people with autism.

The United Nations' World Autism Awareness Day on Saturday 2 April 2022 will begin a month of events to celebrate autism.

To give you some ideas on how to show your support, here's what 2 schools are doing to create awareness of autism and foster understanding and acceptance.

Hoodie up for autism at Crib Point Primary School

Students and staff at Crib Point Primary School will wear hoodies to school, donate a gold coin and hold a hot dog stand to raise funds for Amaze, a peak body for people with autism.

The HoodieUp for autism event runs on Monday 4 April 2022.

The school will also raise awareness of autism and promote acceptance of people with autism by sharing student stories in the school's newsletter.

Open day and morning tea at Western Autistic School

Western Autistic School in Laverton will open its doors to the community from 10:30 am to noon on Saturday 2 April 2022, to celebrate the day.

Staff, students and their families will show off their school to people interested in seeing what the school does to support autistic students and those with additional needs.

Principal Adele Field said while her school celebrates autism every day, she wants the broader community to recognise the day and 'celebrate autistic students' strengths, interests and achievements over morning tea.

More autism celebration ideas

Other ways your school might like to celebrate:

  • Go Yellow on social media or host a fundraiser to amplify autistic voices with Yellow Ladybugs
  • hold a casual clothes day to celebrate difference
  • share stories that celebrate autism, such as the short film, Orange Juice.

New resources to support autistic students

To support students with autism, you can also refer to resources including:

These resources are part of the Victorian Government's $1.6 billion investment into Disability Inclusion.

Find out more

For further enquiries, contact Lia Castorina, Senior Policy Officer, Inclusive Education Division:
