Celebrate Principals' Day

Celebrating the pivotal role of principals in school's achieving excellence in teaching and learning.

Victoria recognises the contributions of principals and assistant principals during Principals' Day celebrations 

This year, Victoria will mark Principals' Day on Friday 4 August, celebrating the pivotal role of principals in school's achieving excellence in teaching and learning. 

Principals' Day is an initiative of the Victorian Principals Association (VPA) and has been celebrated in the state for 20 years.

Each year, Victorian schools celebrate the remarkable and tireless contribution principals and assistant principals make to schools.

How to celebrate

The VPA has created a poster to help promote and celebrate the day. 

Schools are encouraged to download a copy of the poster from the VPA website and share it with their school community.

Teachers are also encouraged to get involved in the celebrations by:

  • hosting an event to celebrate, such as a staff breakfast or after work event. Whatever is planned, remember to physical distance, practice good hygiene and stay COVID-19 safe  
  • have students create a poster to say thanks to their principal
  • nominating their principal for an award or recognition, such as the Victorian Education Excellence Awards.

Schools are also encouraged to share Principals' Day celebration pics on Twitter and LinkedIn, tagging the department with the hashtag #PrincipalsDay.

Find out more

For more information, refer to the VPA website.
