Celebrate Victoria’s education history

Access free, curriculum-based activities for primary schools to mark 150 years of public education in Victoria.

Access free, curriculum-based activities for primary schools to mark 150 years of public education in Victoria

To commemorate the 150th anniversary of public education in Victoria during History Month, primary schools can access new curriculum-aligned teaching and learning resources that link to the history of education in Victoria.

We have developed the suite of resources for Foundation to Level 6 with the History Teachers' Association of Victoria. The resources for levels 3 to 4 and 5 to 6 provide support for teaching Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories.

The resources include a detailed, flexible unit planner that teachers can adapt to suit the learning needs of their students, and integrate within their term planning documents, as well as a slide pack for students that includes activities, resources, images and graphic organisers.

Download the resources from our 150 years of public education in Victoria website.

150 years of education in Victoria

On Saturday 14 December 1872, the Victorian government passed the Education Act 1872. The legislation made Victoria the first Australian colony (and one of the first jurisdictions in the world) to create a central school system offering free, secular, compulsory education to its children.

Throughout 2022, we are recognising the 150-year anniversary milestone and encouraging Victorians to commemorate the past, celebrate the present and imagine the future of public education in Victoria.

We are doing this by:

  • preserving the historical records of 483 schools that became the first public schools and creating a website to provide unprecedented access to this digital collection
  • engaging important community stakeholders to connect varied perspectives with the story of public education at a community level
  • rolling out a communications campaign across the state to shine a spotlight on the information, stories and facts that have shaped our education history.

Find out more

For more information, refer to 150 years of public education in Victoria.

For further enquiries, contact the Learning Design and Innovation unit:
