Evaluate student progress with Transition Learning and Development Statements

Use the information to review the progress of Foundation students and identify learning areas to help them improve.

Term 4 is a good time for Foundation teachers to use Transition Learning and Development Statements (TLDS) to review student learning progress and identify areas to help students improve.

By accessing a student's TLDS through the Insight Assessment Platform, teachers can access information on the students in their class, including a summary of a student's interests, skills and abilities, as well as individual support approaches and teaching strategies.

Using the TLDS on Insight also enables information sharing about a student's learning, development and well-being between early childhood services, schools and Out of School Home Care services.

How to access a student's TLDS

In Term 4, your school's Insight Administrator or principal can download and share a student's TLDS with you for transition planning purposes.

At the start of the school year, you will be able to access TLDS through student profiles on Insight.

Check with your principal or Insight school administrator that each statement has been linked to a student profile on the Insight Assessment Platform.

Guidance is available to support schools and teachers link and access the TLDS. Refer to the TLDS Tip Sheet for more information.

If you are unable to log in or access the TLDS, check that CASES21 data is updated for teachers and the classes they teach.

Find out more

For more information, refer to the Transition – Early Childhood to School page in the Policy and Advisory Library.

For further enquiries, contact the Assessment Implementation Unit by email: assessment.implementation@education.vic.gov.au

For further assistance accessing CASES21 data, contact the Service Desk:
