New mental health and wellbeing tools available for teachers

View the full Schools Mental Health Menu for students and look after your own wellbeing, in Mental Health Month and beyond.

October is National Mental Health Month — a great reminder to check in with yourself about your wellbeing, as well as continue supporting your students' mental health and wellbeing.

You can take the chance to learn more about the wellbeing supports available to you, and the new tools for leading student wellbeing, through the Schools Mental Health Menu, mental health in primary schools expansion and our updated mental health and wellbeing toolkit.

Check in on your wellbeing

All our employees, including teachers, can access free and confidential counselling and coaching services through the Employee Assistance Program (EAP). Immediate family members of employees can now also access the EAP.

The EAP has a variety of resources for you, your colleagues and your family to access mental health support. Specialist counsellors are also now available for LGBTIQ+ and family violence matters, and offer Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander and culturally sensitive counsellors. 

We all need some extra support from time to time. Working with an experienced professional can help you to develop tailored strategies that help enhance your wellbeing – both in and outside of work.

Call LifeWorks on 1300 361 008, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, every day of the year.

If you or someone close to you needs support, please also refer to our employee health, safety and wellbeing services.  

The Schools Mental Health Menu

The Schools Mental Health Menu is now available to support student mental health and wellbeing.

The Schools Mental Health Fund was rolled out to all Victorian government rural and regional schools in Term 3, 2022. It will be in all Victorian government metropolitan schools by 2024.

This funding allows schools to purchase programs, staff and resources from the full Schools Mental Health Menu, to improve mental health and wellbeing outcomes for students.

The menu is a list of evidence-based programs and initiatives across 3 tiers of intervention:

  • positive mental health promotion items, such as mental health literacy training and wellbeing dogs
  • early intervention items, including trauma-informed practice training and therapeutic programs
  • targeted and individualised support for students who need it.

Professional learning sessions are available to help you implement the fund and menu. You can also refer to the Policy and Advisory Library for guidance.

Mental Health in Primary Schools Expansion

Following a successful pilot program, the mental health in primary schools program will be expanded to all government and low-fee non-government schools by 2026.

In 2023, primary schools in Barwon, Brimbank Melton, Hume Moreland, Goulburn and Outer Gippsland will receive funding to hire a Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader.

This role, typically a qualified teacher, will promote a whole-school approach to mental health and wellbeing.

Updated Mental Health and Wellbeing Toolkit

We have updated our mental health and wellbeing toolkit with new practical information for teachers, wellbeing teams and school leaders to support student mental health and wellbeing.

Find out more

For national mental health and wellbeing support services, refer to help and support services.

Other useful resources are available on the LifeWorks wellbeing portal.
