Recognising tutor experience towards teacher registration

New guidance to support provisionally registered teachers working as teacher tutors move towards (full) registration.

The Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT) has confirmed that provisionally registered teachers working as tutors in the Tutor Learning Initiative can use their experience to support the move to (full) registration

VIT-registered teachers are qualified to practise as a teacher in Victorian schools, as they have met the qualifications, criteria and standards as outlined in the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (APST). 

Becoming (fully) registered  

Provisionally registered teachers (PRT) who want to move to full registration must demonstrate competencies against all the descriptors of the APST and complete 80 days of teaching in an Australian or New Zealand school or early childhood service.  

For teacher tutors, the required 80 days can be accumulated while working in the TLI if the activities undertaken in the delivery of tutoring are the duties of a teacher. These duties include delivering an approved curriculum and reporting student progress to parents and carers.   

Teacher tutors must also have the support of a principal and mentor to develop and demonstrate the full range of skills required of a teacher.  

Teachers should note that solely one-to-one tutoring and small group sizes will restrict their opportunity to demonstrate competency against all of the required standards, and is therefore not an appropriate setting for teachers to undertake an Inquiry to demonstrate proficiency against all 37 descriptors of the APST. 

For all enquiries about small group sizes and the provisional to (full) registration process, contact the PRT team at VIT by email: 

For clarification about the requirements, refer to the VIT principal circular.

Pre-service teachers employed through the TLI are not eligible to apply for (full) registration.  

Tutor Learning Initiative professional learning for tutors 

A range of free TLI professional learning webinars for tutors are available throughout Term 2.  

Tutors should refer to the calendar of webinars and register for the webinars relevant to their individual professional development needs on the TLI Arc Channel

Webinars will be recorded and uploaded to the TLI Arc Channel, generally within 48 hours, with closed-captioned versions available shortly afterwards. 

Tutors can also access the TLI Hub.

The TLI Hub contains self-paced professional learning resources and guidance to support tutors to build and refresh their small group teaching skills, including professional reading and videos. 

Find out more

For more information about the new guidance, refer to the VIT Principal circulars web page.

For more information about the VIT and registration, refer to the VIT website.

For related policy information, guidance and resources, refer to Tutor Learning Initiative 2021.
