Support students from refugee backgrounds

Two new online resources are available to provide teachers with practical advice and guidance.

Many students from refugee backgrounds have experienced disrupted education, significant trauma, family separation and settlement challenges.

Schools can play a central role in supporting these students, particularly during their first few years in Australia, and these two new resources can help teachers and schools provide more support to the students who need it.

School's In For Refugees

The School's In For Refugees website has been designed to support teachers in improving achievement, engagement and wellbeing outcomes for students from refugee backgrounds.

Developed by Foundation House, in partnership with us, the website includes guidance and resources that focus on teaching, learning, transitions and family engagement. The website also includes examples of innovative approaches Victorian schools have taken to support students from refugee backgrounds.

The website content draws from Foundation House's work with more than 150 schools across Victoria.

Schools Standing Up To Racism

The Schools Standing Up To Racism website is another new resource teachers can access for support to strengthen inclusion in their schools.

Schools are critical in preventing, identifying and responding to incidents of racism — a serious issue, and one not tolerated in Victorian schools.

The website was developed by the Centre for Multicultural Youth in a project we funded under the Victorian Anti Bullying and Mental Health Initiative.

Resources available on the website can help teachers take a proactive approach to ensure that all students are respected, valued and treated equally. The website includes:

  • e-learning modules
  • factsheets
  • lesson plans
  • case studies
  • action plans
  • podcasts and a video.
