Top tips to create a reader-friendly home

Share some handy hints with parents to help create a love of reading in the home and launch into the Premiers' Reading Challenge.

A child's success as a reader begins much earlier than their first day of school. A love of reading begins in the home.

Here are some tips for you to share with parents on encouraging reading at home.

Our top tips

Create a special reading space

Creating an inviting space to read at home can be easy, fun and cost-effective. Pick a quiet corner in your home, the cosier the better. Fill the nook with blankets, pillows and good lighting. Let the kids help decorate it, it can be a fun family activity.

Read in front of your kids

Lead by example. It's very important for children to see adults reading.

Pick up a book when you can. Talk to your children about something interesting you've read. Actions speak louder than words.

Make a wish list

Encourage your children to update their reading wish list often.

Having a list handy can be helpful when family and friends need some gift inspiration. Also, it will help decrease the amount of unwanted and unused books in your house.

Host a book swap party

Have your friends and family around to bring their used books or unwanted presents for a book swap party. This is a great way to save money on new reading material for your little ones.

It's also an easy way to shift books out of your home to make way for new ones!

Diversify the reading material

Try to include as much seasonal and diverse reading material as possible.

Broaden your child's horizons with books based on different cultures. It's also a good idea to try to have books or magazines based on topics they're learning in school.

Join the Premiers' Reading Challenge today

The Premier's Reading Challenge (PRC) encourages children and students to read a set number of books over the year and record their efforts online.

To support the challenge in schools, PRC coordinators can sign up for a regular newsletter. Teachers can also subscribe to the newsletter to keep updated on the latest literacy news and opportunities.
