Tutor Learning Initiative in practice

Following the TLI funding extension, Canterbury Girls’ Secondary College explains how it implemented the TLI during remote learning

The Victorian Government is investing an additional $230 million to extend the Tutor Learning Initiative (TLI) into the 2022 school year.

Canterbury Girls' Secondary College is among the many schools already achieving great outcomes through the Tutor Learning Initiative (TLI), after successfully adapting to remote learning.

The TLI began rolling out across Victorian schools in Term 1 this year, to support students whose learning had been disrupted by COVID-19.

Every Victorian government school now has at least one tutor on board, with more than 6400 tutors working to boost the learning and engagement.

Successfully adapting the TLI

Canterbury Girls' Principal Dr Mary Cannon said leadership and reflection were key to the school's success in delivering the TLI during remote learning.

'The program is overseen by one of the assistant principals, Jim Ouliaris, and I think the leadership of the program has been really important.' 

'We have five weekly progress reports which enables us to track student outcomes progressively across the year. At the end of each term, the Learning Specialist Data Coach, Pam Barbadonis, analyses all data and as a team, decisions are made about which individuals or groups need tutor support.'

Mary said the initiative had been so successful that some students who were receiving support no longer needed it.

Tutors attended online classes through Microsoft Teams and worked with participants in breakout groups.

Mary said lessons so far would ensure the school was well placed to continue the program for any students who needed to utilise remote and flexible learning in future.

Tips for tutoring online

One of Canterbury Girls' tutors, Natalle Leong, shared her top tips for tutors on delivering the TLI during remote learning.

  1. Establish a rapport with students to identify their strengths, weaknesses and preferred learning approaches.
  2. Give step by step instructions and model what needs to be done. This is particularly helpful for teaching mathematics online.
  3. Give lots of different examples, ranging in complexity. This will support understanding and extend students' knowledge. 

Find out more

For more information, refer to the Tutor Learning Initiative web page.
