Earth Ed

Earth Ed gives students the chance to be immersed in the Earth sciences and emerging technologies

From everyday objects, to the composition of the ground beneath their feet, students will look at their surrounds through a new lens of inquiry after a visit to Earth Ed.

Whether uncovering and reconstructing simulated fossilised skeletons from more than 200 million years ago, using cutting-edge technology to predict damage caused by different magnitude earthquakes, or understanding the environmental and financial cost of our choices, Earth Ed stimulates students through engaging, real-world experiences.

Its programs aim to inspire and encourage students to pursue STEM-related careers.

About the Centre

The centre is equipped with the latest high-tech facilities, including a specialised chemistry research laboratory, 3D theatre and live Earth Ed seismometer viewing.

Earth Ed works with professional and educational partners, including Federation University, Acciona Energy, Meridian Energy, Geoscience Australia and Castlemaine Goldfields, ensuring its programs are cutting-edge and reflect current industry practice. These organisations help Earth Ed to create a learning experience that is in tune with professional sciences globally.


Focusing on geology, climate science, palaeontology, renewable energy and environmental science, Earth Ed's programs incorporate specialist scientific equipment and innovative digital resources, while promoting a scientific inquiry approach to learning.

Programs are aligned to the Victorian Curriculum, and are designed for students from Prep to Year 12.
The centre accommodates a range of teaching approaches, group sizes and access to the latest technology and equipment, including 3D printing, H-TEC hydrogen fuel cell cars and virtual reality headsets.


Earth Ed provides outreach opportunities, taking programs directly to primary schools. One such program is the Renewable Energy Outreach Trailer, which provides hands-on education programs for students in Prep to Year 6.

Teacher Support

Earth Ed provides high-quality professional development opportunities for teachers in many areas of STEM education.

For more information, refer to: Earth Ed
