Engagement support for young people in the criminal justice system

Young people who are involved in the criminal justice system can receive support from the Education Justice Initiative (EJI).

The initiative helps young people aged 10 to 17 reconnect and remain engaged with education and training in a way that suits their needs and interests. It runs at high volume children's courts and all Koorie Children's Courts in Victoria.

Education Justice Initiative services

Our team members are available to:

  • talk to young people about their educational needs and interests
  • liaise with schools and training providers on behalf of young people, to help them get back into education.

So whether a young person wants to return to school, enrol in TAFE, apply for an apprenticeship or doesn't know what they want to do, help and advice is available.

Other services include:

  • advocating on behalf of the young person to resolve education issues and connect young people to necessary support or programs
  • facilitating enrolment in schools, alternative education settings and vocational courses
  • giving information to the court about the young person's education to assist the court in decision making.

For more information on the initiative's operating model, policy context and service delivery, read:


Young people aged 10 to 17 years old who have a matter with the criminal division of the Children's Court or the Koori Children's Court are eligible to receive support and advice from one of our team members.

If a young person already has a worker from a government agency, our team members can work with them to ensure a coordinated, multi-disciplinary approach. This includes youth justice worker, Children's Court Diversion Service workers or Child Protection case managers.

Young people who are not connected to government agency support services can be referred directly to the program.


Referrals should be made directly to the appropriate EJI team member for the Children’s Court where the young person’s matter is being heard.

Alternatively, contact the EJI central office: eji.referrals@education.vic.gov.au

Referrals can be made by:

  • young people and their families
  • magistrates
  • police
  • Youth Justice and the Children's Court Youth Diversion Service
  • Victoria Legal Aid / legal representatives
  • community organisations
  • schools.

Collection of information

We can collect personal and health information necessary for its services and functions, while recognising the right of individuals to have their information handled in ways they would reasonably expect and in ways that protect their personal and health information.  

For more information on how the Education Justice Initiative collects and shares information, read the Collection Notice.

Staff and court locations

Our team members attend:

  • Children's Court sitting days in all headquarter courts
  • Koori Children's Court
  • higher volume children's courts across Victoria.

Koorie education liaison officers provide services to young Koorie people with matters in Koori Children's Courts or mainstream Children's Courts.

Regional education liaison officers provide services to all young people in mainstream Children's Courts and Koori Children's Courts.

If you're unable to contact your local representative, please email your referral to the central team on eji.referrals@education.vic.gov.au


Young people involved in the criminal justice system have typically experienced significant disadvantage, and are often disengaged from education. There's strong evidence that education is key to reducing young people's risk of reoffending, and building positive life skills and improving long term outcomes.

The Education Justice Initiative assists young people to re-engage with education in a way that suits their needs and interests. The initiative is run by us and is supported by the Children's Court of Victoria.
