Gene Technology Access Centre (GTAC)

Gene Technology Access Centre (GTAC) uses its laboratories and research-grade equipment to encourage a fascination with the living world, inspiring the next generation of scientists through discovery.

An immersive exploration of the life sciences is on offer at the Gene Technology Access Centre (GTAC), captivating students by enabling them to investigate the living world around them and delve into real science issues, ranging from how to treat disease, to how DNA can place a suspect at a crime scene.

About the Centre

Mentored by young, practising scientists, students in Years 5–12 engage in exciting, challenging and authentic learning experiences as they investigate problems relevant to today’s society. The use of fluorescence and scanning electron microscopes, laminar flows and DNA technologies puts students at the forefront of real scientific investigation. Students apply scientific technologies, computer programs and mathematical modelling in a range of scientific disciplines to gain insight into prospective careers.

Located on the grounds of The University High School, in the Parkville research precinct in Melbourne, GTAC has strong partnerships with the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research and the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at the University of Melbourne. These relationships help to enrich the centre's programs.


GTAC’s program design and delivery draws on expertise in education theory and practice, meeting Victorian Curriculum standards while showcasing Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) initiatives relevant to life sciences.


Aside from onsite program delivery, GTAC can also bring research-grade equipment and scientist mentors to schools, providing free outreach programs to disadvantaged metropolitan and rural government schools.

Schools can also access GTAC's Polycom interactive videoconferencing programs and online resources. It also provides online student programs that explore life sciences and emergent ethical issues surrounding life science technologies.

Teacher professional learning and support

GTAC promotes a culture of excellence in science education by supporting teachers to integrate contemporary science into their curriculum and through the development and design of resources that reflect the latest pedagogies for teaching science.

Teacher professional learning programs are offered annually, focusing on engagement with leading scientists and education experts, and access to cutting-edge technologies.

For more information, visit GTAC.
