Victorian Space Science Education Centre (VSSEC)

The Victorian Space Science Education Centre (VSSEC) uses space as a tool to engage teachers and students in wide ranging topics across all the sciences and all year levels.

The wonder of space – planets, stars, astronauts and aliens – has a strong grip on the imaginations of most students.

About the centre

VSSEC applies the latest educational research to develop effective programs for both students and teachers. The onsite programs are enriched by the centre’s innovative facilities, including a simulated Mars surface room, a mission control centre and a laboratory.

VSSEC’s programs support dedicated subject and cross-curricula domains. These programs are delivered in context and highlight career and study paths. Programs predominantly support secondary school learning however VSSEC also offers a range of outreach programs for primary students, as well as events to engage the general public.


VSSEC offers more than 30 memorable, hands-on and realistic programs for students across Years 1-12 covering topics from electricity to human performance, parts of plants to astrophysics, deductive thinking to quantum computing, Newton's Laws of Motion to flight and water rockets.

VSSEC has language programs in Italian, Japanese and Greek and a mathematics program based on The Martian by Andy Weir.

The centre's programs enable VCE teachers to take advantage of expertise in Physics and Chemistry, as well as access to sophisticated instruments.


Onsite, scenario-based programs place students in new and exciting worlds that demand excellent communication and teamwork and enable them to use specialised scientific instruments, tools and equipment.


Online programs, designed as part of bigger units of work, are supported by video conferences and detailed lesson guides for students and teachers. They cover geology, the history of ideas and stellar evolution.


VSSEC’s innovative primary school outreach program combines lessons for Years 3-6 students with informal professional learning for teachers, ongoing lessons from teachers and the supply of equipment to schools.

For secondary school students, VSSEC has outreach programs in geology, forces, energy, motion, astrophysics and flight.

Teacher support

Teachers benefit from the latest pedagogical research when they participate in VSSEC's professional learning programs.

A series of programs run throughout the year. These programs can be at VSSEC or at schools, covering topics from designing effective science and mathematics curricula to the latest research in neuroscience applied to lesson plan design.

For more information, refer to VSSEC(opens in a new window).
